Monday, September 17, 2012

Wear red, but don't tell anyone

Well, perhaps it was not such a great idea to reach for one post a day.  Or maybe it was the fact that I posted two things on the first day of my new resolution, and thus, never posted again.  At least this time I made it back in less than 6 months...

My new goal: Become a regular blogger
Timeline:  October 28 (the day after cross country ends)

Really what has brought me back is the topic of the Chicago teacher strike.  To be totally upfront, I really don't know a whole lot more than the basics--what has been broadcast on CNN Student News and what I read while surfing the web during a not-to-thrilling meeting.  I also know that you were supposed to wear red last Friday to support the teachers, but pretend you were wearing red for a different reason so no one knows the real reason you're wearing red...  [look of confusion]

Despite my somewhat surface-y knowledge of the strike, I have developed one very strong opinion, which I will now impose on all of you blog readers:  making the longest status ever regarding your opinion of the strike does not make you any friends.  First, your friends who are teachers will probably unfriend you or laugh quietly to themselves about how you just made yourself look like an idiot.  And your friends who are not teachers will probably be annoyed that you're offering your two-sense about another political issue that you don't know anything about.  I know we have our first amendment rights and all (BTW:  Happy Constitution Day!), but let's get real--no one cares.

Okay.  Rant over.

To make a general observation that is related to the strike, I am extremely bothered by the inability of people at the top to admit that their way may not be the best way.  The people at the top of the educational food chain say they have to best way to fix the "system" and refuse to listen to the people in the trenches.  It happens in schools everywhere.  It's happening in Chicago right now.  I will not expand (if I do it will definitely turn into another rant), it is just something interesting that I wanted to point out.

And with that, I leave blog world and return to real life: sleep, school, cross country, eat, cheer, homework, student council, repeat.